Friday, October 16, 2015

My first contribution to Mozilla

Hi. My first contribution to Mozilla happened during the Weeks of Contribution. It was a contribution introduction fest held by Mozilla Tamil Nadu community during the months of July and August. I was very much interested and involved in the Weeks of contribution. There were many areas discussed like Firefox OS App development, Add-on development, localisation, Mozilla Developer Network, Mozilla Location Services and so on. There were ppts, video lectures and irc chats to describe the contributions properly and to make the contributors more involved in it. My contribution to Mozilla after I signed up for FSA was to localisation, in short l10n. This l10n is basically conversion of data from one language to other to comfort the user by interacting with him in his native language. I localised a few sentences from English to Tamil. That was my first contribution. Though it was just a small thing, that made me interested in Mozilla. Then I did a lot of stuffs which will the described in the upcoming blogs. I am now an active volunteer and evangelist in Mozilla.

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